Find Diabetes Management in Brooklyn, NY

Diabetes is a medical problem that often works silently – causing damage to your organs. It often does this without your even knowing that you have it, because in its early stages, there may be no symptoms. Once it is diagnosed, an effective program of diabetes management can be given.

Many Americans Have Diabetes

Many Americans continue to develop diabetes, and the numbers of people having it is expected to continue to rise. At present, more than 30 million people in this country have it, but almost a third of that number do not even know they have it. It has also become the seventh leading cause of death in America.

Two Types of Diabetes

There are two types of diabetes, and both require effective diabetes management. Type I is where the body ceases to produce insulin altogether, or it is not able to utilize it very well. People who develop this type will often end up in a hospital before they are aware they have it. They will have to be on insulin for the rest of their life.

Type II is what most people get. Although insulin is usually still being produced by the body, sometimes even too much, the body does not use it properly. This leaves much sugar in the bloodstream. It is usually controlled by diet, and/or by medication.

Why Management Is Important

Although diabetes is a rather common disease, it is nothing to take lightly. While the effects of the disease are often not serious at the start, the long-term problems can be very serious – even fatal.

There are many complications that are the result of having diabetes. These are much more likely to occur if the sugar levels are not controlled, or managed satisfactorily. Serious problems may include: neuropathy, vision problems – including blindness, stroke, kidney disease, dental problems, and possibly amputations.


With diabetes Type I, the symptoms will usually begin rather slowly and then become stronger.

The first symptom that is likely to be noticed is frequent urination. This is because the body is trying to eliminate the excess sugar in the bloodstream. Weight loss will also occur and there will be no explanation for it. Some people will also experience vision problems, frequent infections, possibly fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and increased thirst.

Risk Factors

It is often the presence of certain lifestyles that raises the risk of getting diabetes. These factors include being overweight or obese, living a sedentary lifestyle, having high cholesterol and high blood pressure, getting older, and having diabetes in your family history. Two other risk factors are being pregnant, or having polycystic ovary syndrome.

Diabetes is one disease that can often be controlled and possibly even be eliminated when the risk factors are reduced. Effective management will also aim at reducing these risk factors when possible. Patients who have the symptoms need to start trying to eliminate the risk factors where possible.

Dr. Abdul Malik, MD offers diagnosis and help with diabetes management. He is a Cardiologist with over 24 years in medical practice, and has trained many young doctors in the fields of Internal Medicine and Cardiology.